Cleaning up after corrosive ammo use
What is the most effective way to clean a pistol after using corrosive ammo? How can you tell if you shot corrosive ammo? Wait for the gun to rust? Thanks Neil
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These days, what with parallel Universes, Dark Matter and Dark Energy being 95%of everything,...what is REAL anyway ?Real water ? Like the stuff in those plastic bottles they sell for $1 ?Those...
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For those still worried by pure DHMO, they can shandy it with something with antiseptic properties - ethanol is commonly used.
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one of my favorites for corrosive ammo clean up is Ballistol, simply follow the directions for corrosive ammo clean up. it can also be used for non-corrosive ammo in the pure form and works great....
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mauserand9mm wrote:For those still worried by pure DHMO, they can shandy it with something with antiseptic properties - ethanol is commonly used.Absolutely! Brian
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To wash the corrosive salts out in solution, one must use something that is water based, otherwise the salts lay under the oil or solvent and eventually will start to rust your gun.
View ArticleRe: Cleaning up after corrosive ammo use
CurioVirginian, is of course correct. The water solubility/hydrophilic nature of the chlorine salts will be washed away with water. Magic Foo-Dust, or anything akin that works, only works because it...
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True, it needs some kind of water base to dissolve it and or flush it away.
View ArticleRe: Cleaning up after corrosive ammo use
Alexei wrote:CurioVirginian, is of course correct. The water solubility/hydrophilic nature of the chlorine salts will be washed away with water. Magic Foo-Dust, or anything akin that works, only...
View ArticleRe: Cleaning up after corrosive ammo use
The chemistry does not lie, I have had colleagues bring me guns that were shot with corrosive ammo, then cleaned with Hoppes no. 9 oiled, then had rust. That is not to say other products that may have...
View ArticleRe: Cleaning up after corrosive ammo use
CurioVirginian wrote:I have had colleagues bring me guns that were shot with corrosive ammo, then cleaned with Hoppes no. 9 oiled, then had rust.Then I would say they didn't do a very good job. It's...
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Hmmmm.... Water has worked best for me for about the same amount of time Eb, and for my grandfather long before that. No offense intended but water is easier to get, far cheaper and does the job -...
View ArticleRe: Cleaning up after corrosive ammo use
TP wrote:Hmmmm.... Water has worked best for me for about the same amount of time Eb, and for my grandfather long before that. No offense intended but water is easier to get, far cheaper and does the...
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Eb, if I offended you it wasn't intended, you are always a gentleman and I was simply stating my experience. To me (and the US Army) water or at least a water based solution will always be best for...
View ArticleRe: Cleaning up after corrosive ammo use
TP wrote:Eb, if I offended you it wasn't intended, you are always a gentleman and I was simply stating my experience. To me (and the US Army) water or at least a water based solution will always be...
View ArticleRe: Cleaning up after corrosive ammo use
The folks that used Hoppes #9 I know and I have confidence that they did a good job so that was not the issue, rather the salts are still in suspension in the petroleum based solvents, even Shooter's...
View ArticleRe: Cleaning up after corrosive ammo use
CurioVirginian wrote:The folks that used Hoppes #9 I know and I have confidence that they did a good job so that was not the issue, rather the salts are still in suspension in the petroleum based...
View ArticleRe: Cleaning up after corrosive ammo use
I can agree with that. Here is a video that shows various effective methods for cleaning corrosive ammo residue. All methods use some kind of water or water based solution.
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